EXPECT total security with SSL secured high-end web farms. RELAX with stringent testing and routine inspections performed by TruSecure. PREVENT misuse with additional security measures. Can I proactively monitor account access? Account access can be monitored real-time with Security Alerts. Unautorized access from unknown IP addresses, failed password attempts and invalid time restrictions are just some of the items reported. Can I restrict access to a specified computer or multiple computers? Yes, you can restrict access to a specific computer with an IP address. IP address ranges can also be employeed to limit access to a group of computers. Can I restrict access to certain hours or on specific days? Yes, access can be determined by hours and days of the week. Time restrictions can apply to a single user or group of users. Is it possible to set up multple users? Setting up multiple users is not only supported but also encouraged. With multiple users, access can be tracked and audited. I only want users to be able to access certain reports. Is this possible? Yes, with access codes, reports can be blocked or granted for users or groups. Is it possible to only allow users to enter applications and not view reports? Yes, flagging permissions in setup can prevent or allow desired actions. Do passwords expire? Yes, passwords will expire after a configurable number of days. Can users be locked out after so many failed login attempts? Yes, within Administrator options you can specify users to be locked out after a certain number of failed attempts. Users will become disabled until the administrator or supervisor renables the user. Can I monitor account activity? Using innovative application filtering, reports can be monitored real-time for specific users, groups, dates, or report types. Are my subscriber codes secure? All credit related data is shielded on additional data specific servers not accessible via the internet. This means critical data is not exposed on the internet. Are unsuccessful login attempts tracked and logged? All unsuccessful login attempts are logged and monitored. What internal procedures are in place? Facilities monitored 24/7 with closed circuit systems. All building access activity logged and secured. Web farms, where data is stored, are only accessible to key employees. Extensive Background Checks are performed on all new employees